Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hallowed Ground

The following is a quote from Hallowed Ground Outdoors:

"Hallowed Ground Outdoors is the story about the roots of who we are as hunters.  It's the story about what drives us as outdoorsmen and where that passion takes us.  When we step into the outdoors, we have the privilege of standing in the presence of God through the power and majesty of His creation.  That makes hunting more than a sport or a hobby.  It's a calling to something greater.  And that transforms the places that we stand into something more than a cropfield or a pasture or a mountain.  It makes that place Hallowed Ground".

I have been blessed with two children who love the outdoors as much as I do.  What an opportunity I have as a father to use the outdoors to teach my kids about the cycle and value of life!  When a child goes hunting or fishing they endure the lows of waiting for animals that might not show up....and the occasional highs of encountering a big deer or a strong fish.  Recovering, skinning, and dressing a kill teaches them about appreciation and sacrifice. These are all life lessons that parallel the seasons in our faith and life, but the most important lesson is in the process!

When we sit in a tree we should notice if it is an Oak, maybe a Poplar, or whatever.  What does the bark smell like?  Seeing a deer blowing steam from its nostrils as the sun glistens off of the frost is majestic in its own right!  Including my kids in these activities allows me to remind them (and myself) that they aren't just engaging in a hobby.  They are taking part in a symphony from the greatest composer of all!  We must realize that the talks we have, the encouragement we give, and even the flat rocks we skip are more important than what we catch or shoot.  After a day of hunting or fishing we will either bring something home...or not. Learning to appreciate the "in between" rather than focusing on the result is where God will shows us peace, contentment, and fulfillment.   That is when we stand tall on Hallowed Ground!